Five challenges that Rebecca Percy can expect when she is deported to the UK from the USA

If Becki Percy continues to live in her fantasy world of allegation making, and treats people as she has done whilst living in the USA, she could face being homeless in the UK.

Over the next couple of months, Becki Percy, a former resident from Hull in the UK, will be deported from the USA. Percy exhausted her final legal options back in December 2019 when the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court in the USA rejected her appeal against deportation as an asylum seeker, claiming she would be murdered by her family in the UK. Here are five challenges that Percy can expect when she is deported back to the UK.

1: A police investigation

With Becki Percy admitting to crimes, alleging serious crimes against others, and having committed fraud and harrassment; multiple complaints have been made, or will be made against her to the UK police. In addition, Percy has broken court orders protecting children and their families in Hampstead London by publishing names and faces of abused children, that has resulted in a complaint to the London police.

Everyone involved with Becki Percy desires closure with a proper police investigation, and the ending of a relentless and unresolved series of serious criminal allegations against named people by Percy. Without evidence, and with no intention of reporting those allegations to the police, Percy has kept an online campaign of harrassment going for near ten years against named people. There is now a strong motivation to have the allegation making ended via a police investigation.

Whilst in the UK, should Percy mention or repeat any false allegation against individuals, then she would be subject to further police investigations for harrassment.

2: Mental health intervention

What some of the followers of Percy think is demonic possession, is an individual who has serious mental health issues. Becki Percy has on social media admitted to having mental health problems before and whilst she has lived in the USA. The experiences that Percy claims to have suffered; and even if false, the desire to make such claims; suggests a person in need of mental health intervention. Both the police and the real parents of Becki Percy have powers in UK law to force Percy to have mental health intervention, including being sectioned into a mental hospital. Mostly everyone who are critical of the actions and allegation making of Percy, agree that she is mentally ill.

3: Employment problems

Becki Percy will be returning to a challenging economic situation in the UK with coronavirus and other factors plunging the job market and the UK economy into dire straights. Whilst there might be options for low paid work, Percy will face difficult hurdles to gaining employment. Percy has wasted five years of her life in the USA gaining no useful work experience or education. Percy will have to account for the last five years of her life; and perhaps explain 14 months in jail, and why she claimed political asylum in the USA. Percy also has a dire reputation on the internet, should any employer look up her name. In addition, Percy has no work experience, which counts for a lot in the current job market. For everyone involved, knowing the situation with Percy, she will not be allowed to work with children or vulnerable people. If Percy makes dishonest claims to gain employment, this is fraud in UK law.

4: Challenges for Housing

Without continued help from a support structure such as Wendy McAvene, Percy will find gaining accommodation in the UK challenging. The welfare system in the UK is a harsh and challenging system to navigate, that hardly pays for the living costs of those that depend upon it. Accommodation, and all the costs associated with it is expensive in the UK. Landlords are hostile to people on benefits. Percy will suffer a major fall in living standards to what she was used to in the USA.

5: Percy loses relevance to her social media support base

When Becki Percy is kicked back to the UK from the USA, her mostly US-based following will regard her as less relevant. Percy will no longer be in the USA, and will be prevented from returning for at least ten years by US immigration laws. Percy will have less time to commit to social media, due to having to work for a living for the first time in her life. Percy will be unable to leverage her abuse “testimony,” for to do so, will get her arrested for harrassment.

In conclusion

Returning to the UK will be a return to reality for Becki Percy. Percy will have drastically reduced options; and to continue to live her fantasy world, or to to treat people the way she has treated them, can be a fast way to end up homeless on the streets in the UK.

Becki Percy and her twisted concept of family

Becki Percy has the attitude that a family is one that is totally devoted to her own personality cult called “Team Becki.” Percy hijacks families to focus on her own person and needs, in the process she harms them.

Over the last ten years Becki Percy has enjoyed the privilege of being part of five different families, all which she harmed through her toxic activities and allegation making.

It is one of great mysteries as to why at around the age of 14 in 2010 that Becki Percy turned on her real family in the city of Hull UK, embarking upon a spree of allegation making of child abuse, all which were investigated by the police and found to be without foundation. There is nothing in the social media of Percy from her childhood to indicate anything sinister going on to match the narrative that she now claims at the time of writing. It seems that Becki Percy had a Jekyll & Hyde type of personality: a charming quiet and conformist personality on the one hand; and a deeply manipulative, deceitful and ruthless personality on the other hand. It is a matter of speculation as to how the canker that now reigns rampant in Becki Percy came about, such as a head injury, a trauma, or a genetic condition.

Putting together the timeline for this blog site, it was noticed that the allegation making by Becki Percy began a month after her grandmother announced to the Percy family she had terminal lung cancer in December 2009, with the first allegation being made against her own father in January 2010. Percy wrote in her blog about the announcement by her grandmother:

“Then around Christmas 2009, she told us that she had lung cancer. Time almost stopped. I cried and cried and cried. That night, I stayed cuddled up to my Nan, not wanting to let her go. But she’d had breast cancer before. She can fight this too. Surely she can. She’s such a strong lady. I’ve never been that great at coming to terms with this, that just proves it. I was in complete denial about how bad things really were.”

Rebecca Percy

Aside from the allegation making, a constant pattern in the complaints that Percy had about her parents was that she felt they did not love her. However, Percy seemed to find in her grandmother a refuge where she said she felt “safe”. The announcement of cancer by her grandmother and her rapid decline in health apparently sent Percy into crisis; and she had counselling from a teacher at her school.

Around a month after the announcement of cancer by her grandmother, issues that Percy had with her parents boiled to the surface, and she made allegations of child abuse against her father. Percy says that the teacher took her claims seriously, and the police as well as social workers became involved in an investigation, that required her father to leave the family home.

With her father out of the picture, Becki Percy was unable to achieve whatever relastionship she wanted with her mother, and she says she made child abuse allegations to her teacher about her mother.

Having had her first family shattered with child abuse allegations, Percy was sent to live with her uncle. After a few months, the relationship between Percy and her uncle’s family broke down, and Percy says she made child abuse allegations against her uncle; and according to her later claims, against other members of her family too.

What her grandmother must have felt about all these allegations of child abuse against her own family by Becki Percy is unknown, but it must have been distressing and difficult for her. All the allegations were investigated by the police and social workers, and no evidence was found to support them. In making what appears to be allegations without foundation against her family, there is the first indicator that Becki Percy lacks empathy; for despite her devotion to her grandmother, there is no insight or feelings expressed by Percy as to how those allegations must have impacted her grandmother.

Having shattered her second family with false allegations, Percy was settled with a young foster couple, who also had a two-year-old son. As before, Percy had issues with the male member of the family, and made allegations of rape against them. There was another police and social worker investigation: this allegation was also found to be baseless; the social workers began to consider Percy as having a mental condition, for which she was referred for support; and according to Percy wrote on her file that she was an allegation maker.

After what seemed to be a very cruel and heartless false allegation against a foster couple, who had wanted to give a caring and stable home to a child, and also had a very small child of their own to look after; Percy was no longer allocated to any other family, and was settled in a care home.

During her stay in the care system, Percy says she had many battles with social workers about seeking “inappropriate” relationships with care staff. Percy states in a blog post:

“When I came into care, I met a lovely lady who cared for me just as I had wanted from my mum. But, of course, she couldn’t be my mum because she was my carer. As social services said “its inappropriate”. But where else can I get that love and care I so desperately need? Who else can I go to for guidance on life’s big and small problems? People say I can get that from a boyfriend/girlfriend. But it wouldn’t be that same connection. It wouldn’t be that maternal love that I am so badly craving.”

Rebecca Percy

Percy further writes:

“Now I know, that some placements break down because of personal problems between either the carers or child/young person. However, from experience I know that its not the only reason. I’m lucky enough to be in a very warm, welcoming residential home; I’ve been here for 4 years. However, its not been smooth running. With in this time, I’ve had to fight to stay here. Social services have tried to move me 5 times, each time coming back with a different excuse. “The relationships you’ve made with your carers is inappropriate” “You need to be more independent” “You’re 18 now, you shouldn’t be living in a children’s home”.”

Rebecca Percy

According to her first US family host Catherine Moncada, Percy had said care workers were inappropriate with her; and also, that during her detention in a jail facility in the USA, several officers were inappropriate to her. Moncada also says that a list of parents existed during the time Percy was in care, who did not want Percy anywhere near their children. Overall, there is a suggestion that the inappropriate behaviour of Percy, together with her allegation making, was a cause of a great deal of anxiety to anyone who dealt with her.

Becki Percy stayed with her fourth family, the Moncada family in the USA from 2015, after convincing Catherine Moncada of her abuse narrative, and that her life was in danger. Catherine Moncada gave Percy three years of her life, and has recorded an intimate record of her unhappy experiences with Percy in her blog. Moncada for instance writes:

“I told Rebecca’s attorney if she would have come into my home and family as an enemy and done as much damage? I would have shot and killed her but she came in as a friend.

Rebecca came to our home and began the manipulation of the entire household the day she got there. Every day, every minute of the day needed to be about her.

Faking amnesia to not be able to remember my daughter or her son. Why was Rebecca “X’ing” out these people? They are my family for goodness sakes.”

Catherine Moncada

It is through the blog posts of Catherine Moncada that a picture of Becki Percy emerges of someone who is deeply manipulative, deceitful and self-obsessed. Percy was not so much motivated to be part of a family, as to hijack it to service her own needs and rampant narcissism. For the Moncada family Percy was an exhausting rollercoaster of constant drama and attention seeking, that demanded all their attention be focussed upon her. Moncada writes in a blog addressed to Percy:

“6) If you have dominated and manipulated an entire family for over three years? You do have a modicum of responsibility and the contempt you have shown has further endangered my family.”

Catherine Moncada

What was also evident in the writings of Catherine Moncada about Percy, was the lack of empathy or insight she had in her attitude and actions towards that family. An example of this lack of empathy was the deeply distressing events around an alleged kidnapping of a friend of Becki Percy, as detailed by this blog post. This writer further noticed the irritation and coldness Percy expressed to the children in the Moncada family in various now deleted videos.

A chilling idea that emerges from reading the blog posts of Catherine Moncada about Becki Percy is that Percy seems to express her definition of family as being people who are slavishly devoted to herself. Percy behaves in the manner of a cuckoo in eliminating opposition either by allegation making or encouraging individuals to leave their family. Catherine Moncada writes:

From my interactions with Rebecca, she has one goal. For everyone to be on Team Bex or Team Becki. It’s all about her. People who have been around longer have said they feel the same. Even Howard agreed Rebecca has an inordinate desire for attention.

Catherine Moncada

Moncada wrote about the kidnapping event, how she was pressured to change her life so to better meet the needs of Becki Percy; to cast her husband out of bed so Percy could sleep with her; and to even abandon her own family to go off on a religious adventure with Percy. One has the impression that Mr Moncada is not the boss of the Moncada household, which probably saved him from being the target of allegations from Percy.

Towards the end of 2017 the relationship between Percy and the Moncada family collapsed, and Percy abandoned that shattered family to live with her fifth family the McAvenes in Texas. Where Percy used to call Catherine Moncada “mum”, she now called Wendy McAvene mum.

What happened in the McAvene family comes from conversations Catherine Moncada had with members of that family after Percy contributed to the destruction of the McAvene family. Evidently, Percy made allegations against her new “dad” Ron McAvene, had called the police, who escorted him out of his own home. The 25+ year marriage of Ron and Wendy McAvene ended in divorce, and they sold their home. Wendy McAvene abandoned her marriage, home, job and family to go off with Percy back to California, echoing possibly a similar process of grooming as Percy had done with Catherine Moncada. Wendy McAvene comes over as a weak character, who appears to have been dominated by Percy, much to the concern of some four members of the McAvene family.

It appears that for Rebecca Percy her concept of family is akin to demanding that her “family” enter into some cult experience of her person and abuse “testimony”. Catherine Moncada writes of the experiences of some of the McAvene family of Percy:

“Since I wrote the blogs; I was contacted by Wendy McAvene’s family. Rebecca and Wendy may or may not know who. I protect their identity because they don’t need anymore grief than they’ve already experienced. They were told they were not WORTHY of hearing Rebecca’s entire testimony. These people had questions, fears and concerns. Wendy told them they were not WORTHY of hearing. I saw the screen shots. Why is Wendy McAvene telling her own family they are not WORTHY of hearing Rebecca’s testimony? They were afraid. Were they in danger of kidnappings? They are counted “NOT WORTHY” to be told.”

Catherine Moncada

Moncada further writes (addressed to Becki Percy and Wendy McAvene):

“Rebecca? Wendy? Why did you think it was prudent to insist family members go to the altar and pray with you after you surprise them at their church? Their house of worship. Why did you surprise them? Church is a sanctuary. The House of God. The altar is a place of reverence. NOT a place to settle a personal vendetta in case you’re confused. If you aren’t confused? It’s wicked. You DO NOT strong arm people into going to the altar with you to pray people see it your way. I’m not inserting MY perception of the scenario – that’s how they felt.

What about counseling? Rebecca? Wendy? Why did y’all INSIST the entire family attend counseling? Counseling? Because they had questions of Rebecca’s “testimony”? What? Why did ALL have to be in attendance? ALL were not going to go. Did y’all realize this and decide it was a stipulation so there could be no meeting? No answers? Why? Don’t y’all love and support the rest of the family? Why are they the outcasts now? Because they had questions? Do y’all even know WHAT questions they had or did it even get that far? Why is the “rest of the family” not WORTHY? That gets me. “Not worthy”. Wow. I can’t imagine how they felt.”

Being part of a family can be a deeply emotionally and satisfying experience for those who have no family. No family is perfect, but the sign of a healthy family is that all members can compromise, and can feel they belong to each other without feeling abused or controlled.

Having inflicted harm upon five families, Becki Percy has an unhealthy and sinister concept of what family means to her: one thaat must be devoted totally to her person and her needs. Percy enters into her family relationships much like a cuckoo; eliminating those she thinks are rivals, especially the male figures, by making allegations against them. Through manipulation and deceit Percy grooms those she thinks are weaker by isolating them from their family and friends, and making them totally focussed and attentive to her person and needs. Becki Percy enters into her family relationships as a parasite and a predator: not to become empowered through the emotional and nurturing qualities of family relationships, but to hijack family to become an object of slavery to her own personality cult that she calls “Team Becki”.

In conclusion, Percy has no desire for family, she only desires slaves to her personality cult. In hijacking families to service her own needs, Percy destroys them in the process. Five families have been shattered, how many more families will Becki Percy harm?

Becki Percy continues to bury head in the sand

Becki Percy from Hull refuses to take responsibility for her allegation making by providing evidence or going to the police; instead, Percy buries her head in the sand, whilst the targets of her allegations suffer distress.

The trope of ostriches burying their head in the sand continues to be true of former Hull UK resident and allegation maker Rebecca Percy; who continues to avoid responsibility for her allegation making by failing to offer evidence in support of them or going to the police. The term burying your head in the sand relates to the infantile response of denying responsibility of your actions; or of the reality of your situation.

Most recently, Percy published the names and faces of abused children to her 22,000 followers on Twitter. The children in question had the right of anonymity in both US and UK law; and were in addition, protected by two court orders that reinforced their right to anonymity. Percy broke those court orders, and denied the children their right to anonymity, by publishing their names and faces; in effect, abusing those children. There was condemnation of Percy, and rather than do the right thing, and remove the post, Percy declared she was a victim of harrassment, and requested prayers for her “battles”.

Amongst the many responsibilities of being an adult in society, is the ability to accept responsibility for your actions. So, it goes to say that when an individual such as Percy claims to be a champion of abused children; she does not then go ahead and abuse children; or deny those children their rights in law to privacy and anonymity. And, with responsibility, comes consequencies for irresponsible action. So, in the case of the children that Percy abused, there was a referral to the police. If anything comes of this referral, Percy will claim a conspiracy, as people of her type do.

When Becki Percy alleges named people are raping children, then she has adult responsibilities to take ownership of her allegations. Firstly, there is the question of evidence: what evidence does Percy have to support her allegations? Secondly, there is the urgency to rescue children from harm and to give them justice via reporting such allegations to the police. Percy has failed to follow through with her internet allegation making by providing evidence or reporting those allegations to the police.

I can allege that Percy broke two UK laws by failing to protect her alleged baby sister “Lily” from harm in her role as babysitter; and of perverting the course of justice by disposing of the body of “Lily”. As a responsible adult, I offer evidence of my allegation – a video where Percy states these things. As a responsible adult, I will report these potential crimes to the UK police via my local police station when Percy is deported back to the UK. In contrast, Percy claims her parents eat children: Percy offers no evidence for these allegations; nor, has she reported this to law enforcement.

It seems such a simple thing to offer evidence in support of allegations, and to report those allegations to law enforcement. Percy has had opportunities to offer evidence: in US court hearings, meetings with her lawyers and immigration officials; and to those who have offered her media interviews. In all cases, Percy makes allegations without evidence. It eventually reaches the point that everyone involved with Percy must question why she is unable to offer evidence; to even question the honesty of her claims.

Percy acts like the ostrich by avoiding the responsibility of providing evidence for her allegations, and reporting those allegations to the police. Percy instead blocks and threatens people on her social media. Percy demands prayers, signing of petitions, harrassment of people asking her questions. Percy attacks her critics in any way she can: by making untrue allegations; or asking others to threaten and bully them; even, attacking their children.

It is a challenging situation for the reasonable thinking person to treat the allegations of Rebecca Percy as honest, when she fails to offer evidence or go to the police. But, people who are the subject of the allegation making by Becki Percy have suffered for up to ten years from a constant stream of allegations, which for them must be distressing. And when Percy does get deported from the USA, Percy will finally have to face the consequencies of that allegation making.

Is Becki Percy pretending to be afraid?

Becki Percy and her Satanic ritual abuse narrative is full of contradictions: one contradiction is the image of brave Becki vs fearful Becki.

This recent post on Facebook reveals the rough location where Rebecca Percy now lives in California, also, that she likes to ride a bike where there is “not a lot of people around”. Would a frightened person claiming to fear murder by a Satanic cult in the UK be posting this type of stuff on social media?

It might be recalled that Rebecca Percy arrived in the USA claiming political asylum from Britain, saying her parents intended to murder her. Percy inferred that the British authorities were either unable to protect her from harm, or were involved with the alleged Satanic cult in doing harm to her. Percy presents herself to the world as fearful Becki.

During her stay with the Moncada family, the epic drama of Becki Percy took a dramatic twist: when a friend was alleged to have been kidnapped by the Satanic cult; and subjected to a bizarre three-day ordeal strapped to a table watching porn videos 24/7 of Percy. The unfolding drama ended in the Moncada family fleeing their home for several weeks, whilst Mr Moncada guarded the home with a gun at his side.

Once Becki Percy was embedded with the Moncada and then the McAvene families, Percy then expressed attitudes and behavior that was in contradiction of her fearful Becki image. Becki Percy became brave Becki in revealing the addresses of herself and her host families. For such a fearful situation of a dangerous cult out to murder her, Percy had no inhibition to reveal her location to those alleged cultists, putting herself and her host families in danger. According to Becki Percy, the alleged Satanic cult raped and murdered children in Hull UK; but in contradiction, Percy allowed and refused to address the situation of the publication of the photos and other personal information of the children in her host Moncada family. One could infer that brave Percy was not particularly bothered about her own safety or the wellbeing of her US host families.

Someone fearful of ending up being turned into a snuff movie, or sacrificed, depending on the story that Becki Percy liked to tell, would in most minds of people have fought tooth and nail to get political asylum in the USA. Percy proved to be the most unhelpful and obstructive of clients to her immigration attorneys; failing to give them the evidence they needed to fight her case, even something simple such as photos of alleged scars from claimed extensive torture on her body. Indeed, Percy treated her attorneys with absolute contempt, saying in one case that she had no need of their services. When it came to the final court appeal against deportation in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit: Percy had neither bothered to hire attorneys to represent her, paid for through gofunding; nor did she even know the date of the court hearing (she found out through this writer); or enter a defence. Despite dramatic claims of her fear of murder, Percy in the mind of an onlooker did not seem that frightened in her dealings with the US immigration system.

More recently, Percy, now living in California, published a post on Facebook giving the rough location of where she now lived, and suggested she wanted to cycle daily with her dog along a path that was not frequented by people. If there was any murdereous cult out there, telling them where she now lived and that she liked to frequent lonely roads, must have been a welcome bit of news. But then, there is more brave Becki than frightened Becki on display with this walking contradiction. One might infer that Becki Percy is telling many falsehoods; because lets face it, most people who make up a story of being in danger, knowing they are not in danger, are not fearful. It is make-believe afterall.

Becki Percy and the laws of harrassment

Rebecca Percy will face justice if she likes it or not.

It is the current situation that Becki Percy is breaking the law by harrassing people with the sense she is immune from the process of law; an “untouchable”, living in the echo chamber of her 22,000 Qanon conspiracy loving Twitter supporters. It is a strategy to allow Percy to believe this delusion, until she is deported back to the UK, when the harrassment legislation in the UK kicks in, and she can finally be arrested and liable to criminal charges for harrassment. Although the US has harrassment laws, the US legal system is slow and ineffective; example, a straightforward deportation case like that of Becki Percy took five years to complete its process through the US legal system.

What is criminal harrassment? The UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), who prosecute criminal cases in the UK courts, define harrassment on their website: “it can include repeated attempts to impose unwanted communications and contact upon a victim in a manner that could be expected to cause distress or fear in any reasonable person.” In addition, the CPS says: “A prosecution under section 2 or 4 requires proof of harassment. In addition, there must be evidence to prove the conduct was targeted at an individual, was calculated to alarm or cause him/her distress, and was oppressive and unreasonable.” As an example, Rebecca Percy has conducted a campaign over several years against named people accusing them of serious crimes against children, without evidence or reporting these allegations to law enforcement. The allegations are repeated across many social platforms by Percy, such as her online petition against deportation back to the UK: “I also saw my parents and other in their ring sacrifice children to Molech.” The online petition, with its multiple allegations against identified people, is typical evidence of targetted harrassing conduct by Percy that would leave individuals distressed.

Although Becki Percy cannot be prosecuted under UK harrassment law for what she does inside the borders of the USA, when she is deported back to the UK, the laws of harrassment in the UK apply to her. In the Hampstead case, where false allegations of harm to children were made, two false allegation makers were jailed under UK harrassment law: Rupert Wilson Quaintance (9 months) and Sabine McNeill (9 years). Activists such as I, will monitor Becki Percy on her return to the UK, and if she repeats her allegations; promotes those allegations in any way such as sharing, retweeting or encouraging her supporters to do so; and this happens on two separate occasions; Percy will be reported to the UK police for harrassment.

What happens if Becki Percy is reported for harrassment? If the police are nice, Percy may get a warning or caution. If the UK police feel that what Percy is doing is more serious, she will be arrested, and all her electronic devices will be taken for forensic examination. Percy could be placed on police bail for six months or more whilst the UK police investigate crimes; and conditions would be imposed such as not repeating her allegations. To repeat harrassment, Percy risks additional criminal charges and potential remanding into prison. During a police investigation, Percy could be sectioned into a mental hospital or suffer court imposed orders to restrict her internet activities and allegation making. It is down to the UK CPS to decide charges: if there is sufficient evidence in their opinion to make a prosecution successful, and if it is in the public interest to do so. The UK police can only investigate crimes; they do not have the power to decide the charges, or if a charge is to be prosecuted.

What are the legal defences against harrassment? I half expect Percy to make harrassment allegations against me to the UK police. The two primary legal defences relevant to my case, as defined by the CPS guidelines are: “that the course of conduct was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime“; and “that in the particular circumstances the pursuit of the course of conduct was reasonable.” The primary aim of this blog is the prevention and detecting of crime in relation to the activities and allegations of Becki Percy. My second legal defence, that I must be following conduct that is reasonable in the particular circumstances, is based upon the second primary aim of this blog: protection of the wellbeing of children, vulnerable people and families; justified, as I believe and argue that Percy is following conduct that suggests that she is harmful to those sections of society. In addition, because Percy is conducting her harrassment from inside the borders of another nation (USA), and across two states of that nation (California and Texas), it means legal remedies are too slow or ineffective to protect victims of crimes, or vulnerable people; that it requires conduct that vigorously challenges Percy (her narrative, activity and allegation making) through making alternative points of view widely available on the internet and to her target support groups.

Even if by some miracle, Rebecca Percy decides to stop making allegations when she is back in the UK, she will not escape a police investigation. Percy has admitted to child porn distribution and disposing of the bodies of murdered children; UK crimes she alleges she was involved in whilst living in the UK; to which I shall be reporting to the UK police, which they will have to investigate. Everything Percy has done or said in relation to her so-called “testimony” of Satanic abuse will be investigated. The police will interview everyone in relation to Becki Percy: her parents; social workers; teachers; the Moncada and McAvene families; her best friends. There will be a moment in the future that Percy will be unable to run away, her allegations will be investigated by the police, and they will be asking her for evidence of those allegations. Deportation and a police investigation is written in stone for Percy; there is nothing Percy or her delusional supporters can do to prevent that. And, now that Percy is an adult, and when she is returned to the UK; the harrassment laws of the UK will finally curtail her allegation making activities.

The mantra “never question a survivor” denies justice to real victims of child abuse

Rebecca Percy uses the mantra “never question a survivor”
to avoid questions about her allegation making and activities;
which undermines justice for victims of abuse; and hides attention to
her own activities that threatens the wellbeing of children.

The idea that Becki Percy and her followers promotes of never questioning a survivor fails to help victims of child abuse. When I sat in that room designed for victims of child abuse, reporting my own experiences to the police, I was worried I would not be believed; this fear is shared by the majority of victims of child abuse. The integrity of justice for victims of child abuse hangs upon the faith of society in a proper, balanced and thorough investigation of crimes against children.

Investigations have to root out false allegations of child abuse, or everyone suffers. Anyone can make allegations. Children lie. Children, as in the Hampstead abuse case were drugged, tortured and brainwashed into making allegations against a whole London community by a twisted mother and her boyfriend; children coached whilst being beaten and threatened with burial alive, to make allegations against their father. The police, social workers and a high court case asked questions, and found there was no truth in the Hampstead allegations; the children admitted they had lied under threat of torture and death by their own mother and her boyfriend.

Rebecca Percy, a woman from Hull UK, claiming political asylum in the USA with fantastic tales of Satanic ritual abuse, has a notorious track record of making allegations against nearly everyone she gets close to. Aged 14, Percy made a stream of allegations against individuals, all that were investigated, and for which no evidence was found to support them. Percy says that social workers in her case considered her an allegation maker; Percy was referred to mental health services because people thought she had a mental condition to cause her to make a relentless stream of allegations without evidence. Percy caused the taxpayer to waste a lot of money investigating empty allegations; but, like any alleged child abuse victim, Percy was given a fair and full investigation of her claims.

Becki Percy points fingers at named people, accusing them of serious crimes. On her online petition to stay in the USA Percy claims: “I also saw my parents and other in their ring sacrifice children to Molech.” Percy has not reported these alleged crimes to law enforcement, nor does she offer any evidence in support of these claims. People ask: “why not?” and the reply that Percy and her supporters give is “never question a survivor.”

Rebecca Percy raises serious issues of public interest, that needs answers to questions. It is no small thing to ask for political asylum to the USA suggesting that the authorities in the UK are incapable of protecting their own citizens from paedophile rings, or are involved in the rape and murder of children in Hull. Judges, lawyers and the immigration officers dealing with Percy ask questions looking for the truth of her allegations. But, Percy and her supporters argue these administrators of immigration and justice should take the claims of Percy at face value, as they should “never question a survivor“.

Becki Percy has done or said things that suggests she is a danger to children, and actively seeks contact with abused young people. Percy has claimed to have been in a position of care of young children, allowing those children to be murdered without stoppping or reporting the harm to those children to the authorities. Percy admits to child porn distribution. Percy claims personal knowledge of the rape and murder of thousands of children, and despite having the ability to report those alleged crimes and rescue those children, does not do so. Percy admits to disposing of the bodies of murdered children. Catherine Moncada, who hosted Percy in her home after Percy left jail, says there is a list that exists of parents who do not want Percy near their children; and that Percy endangered the wellbeing of the children in the Moncada family. Percy in answer to the concerned questions people have of how safe Becki Percy is to children: “never question a survivor“.

The mantra “never question a survivor” is a tool that Percy and supporters such as Wendy McAvene use in order to hide behind a fraud which denies justice to people they accuse of serious crimes, and places the wellbeing of children in danger. There are genuine concerns that Percy is a serious danger to children; and that she is either covering up crimes, or is actively involved in criminal action. The mantra “never question a survivor” is a pathetic attempt to avoid awkward questions that challenge the allegations and activities of Rebecca Percy; and using that mantra, Percy undermines the integrity of the justice system to support real victims of child abuse.

It is justified to challenge Becki Percy and her allegation making

Rebecca Percy can silence her critics by offering
evidence in support of her allegations; and going to
the UK police with those allegations.

Rebecca Percy has undergone multiple name changes on her Twitter account in recent weeks in the pointless attempt to avoid challenge and criticism of her allegation making. Indeed, Percy has done considerable moaning to her ever decreasing circle of followers that she feels harrassed by the constant challenges to her allegation making, whilst desiring to pursue those allegations without challenge. Percy has made numerous attempts to to report people who question her narrative to Twitter, to eliminate their accounts without success.

It seems to me the answer is simple to silence her critics, rather than Percy wasting energy blocking critics; changing her Twtter handle name and putting her account in private mode; she can instead offer evidence in support of her allegations; and report those allegations to the UK police for investigation.

There is great public interest and concern when Becki Percy makes serious allegations of harm to children against named people. When people hear of the harm of thousands of children in Hull UK, they are asking what is Percy doing about it to rescue those children from further harm? When Percy paints herself as an influencer of public opinion in relation to child abuse; where she claims political asylum to the USA; and where she gains a small fortune in donations and merchandise sales on the back of her child abuse narrative; people have a public interest argument and justification to ask questions of her.

Rebecca Percy may voice her public displeasure and irritation that people are asking her awkward questions, and challenging her version of events; but that is the way of things when people set themselves up as a public figure claiming things that are of a great concern to many people. For the family of Percy, her allegation making has been a ten year ordeal of relentless suffering; each passing year a new version emerges of her narrative with an increasingly horrific story and new set of claims made against them. There is nothing these people can do but suffer the fantasy and bile of Percy from the safety of her keyboard in the USA; the UK police are impotent to act against harrassment and fraud by Percy hidden in another nation with different laws.

It is a small comfort to the long suffering victims of the allegation making of Becki Percy that there are a few dozen people out there such as me who will ask questions; who will challenge an outrageous situation where Percy accuses people of terrible crimes against children, without evidence, but denies those accused a police investigation into the truth of those allegations.

It is a simple thing to ask of Rebecca Percy: that she offer evidence in support of her allegations; and to report those allegations to the UK police. It is time for Percy to grow up and take ownership of her allegation making; because there will come a time when she is deported to the UK; and if she continues on making those allegations without evidence, and without going to the UK police; then she will end up with criminal convictions and jail time for harrassment.